Category Archives: Therapy, Treatment & Research

Sandifer Syndrome?

Note: In the end, Grace didn’t have Sandifer. I believe these were the start of her seizures. Grace has been behaving really strangely lately and I have assumed that this is due to anxiety. In my research, I’ve read the studies on Rett mice and their increased anxiety and stress response levels and took that...

Therapy Schmerapy

It’s funny when I try to put myself in a stranger’s shoes and imagine what they must be thinking when I throw around the word ‘therapy’ so much. It seems that when people want to make plans with me, there’s always some sort of ‘therapy’ which dictates my schedule. But I don’t specify, I just...

Experiments with Gaze

I’ve been experimenting lately to gauge Grace’s understanding of things. My favourite (and the most successful) has been ‘the bottle test’. I’ll place her bottle somewhere in the room (even in a place nearly out of sight) and say, “Grace I’m just putting your bottle over here.” Then I’ll go about my regular things like...

High (and unfair) Expectations

It’s been a while since I last posted. I’m a professional blogger and my ‘daytime job’ blog has been taking up all my brain power. You know what I’ve been thinking lately, though…how unfair ‘the system’ is with their expectations of us special parents. For instance…most people in society and in government find it completely...