Category Archives: Therapy, Treatment & Research

Syringes & Shoes

Steven went to his first solo Grace appointment. This one was a bit silly because she was prescribed shoes even though she’s never even acknowledged that she owns feet. So she got fitted for these custom-made pink leather boots which probably cost £200. She’ll wear them in her standing frame. Today, we picked up yet...

Audiology appointment? Check!

We can check Audiology off our list for now. Next is Ophthalmology then Orthotics and who knows what else! The result of today’s appointment is that Grace has ‘Glue Ear’ which means that the tubes in her ears don’t drain away the fluid behind her eardrums. Apparently, this is extremely common and expected amongst girls...

She knows so much more than I thought

Grace seems so grown up lately. And suddenly, we’re becoming aware of her sense of knowing. She knows so much more than we thought she did. She knows her name, she knows when it’s time for a meal. She knows what we’re saying. The other day we took the kids swimming. I was working with...

The Science of R168X

If you remember back a few months ago, we found that Grace has the Rett mutation known as R168X. Gracie’s friend Amy also has this mutation and her mom is such an articulate writer and keeps a wonderful blog about their lives with RS. Anyway, she had a particularly interesting post today about Amy &...