Author Archives: Grace for Rett

Metaphors for life

“I have only one thing to do and that’s to be the wave that I am and then sink back into the ocean.” -Fiona Apple This one day about 10 months ago…I was in Lulworth Cove. It was an extremely cold, windy day. Very few tourists and they’re usually there no matter the season. I...

Rett syndrome on TBN

“To beg God for healing is to say we have more compassion than He does.” The hubs and I were on TBN Meets with our friend Leon Schoeman talking about a variety of things including how we come to terms with disability and our Christian faith. Oh, and if disability doesn’t float yer boat, Steven...

New fun and games // precocious puberty

Well this explains a lot. About a year ago we first started noticing signs of puberty in Grace. Ya know…hair down there. Underarm issues. Little booblets (not a technical term). But honestly, the most perplexing thing has been the emotions. Ooooh the emotions. Lots of crying at night for no known reason. Still don’t really know,...

The Age of Reason

Tomorrow, Grace turns seven. Seven seems like a really cool number to me. Seven days in the creation story. Seven deadly sins. Seventh Heaven. Seven seas. Seven continents. Seven colours in the rainbow. Seven days in the week. Seven dwarfs. Some people are actually named “Seven” (and I, for one, am hella jealous of people with...

How to Photograph a Girl with Rett Syndrome

It seems that people must be Googling about how to photograph girls with Rett Syndrome, so here’s my answer to a recent email inquiry on the topic. So many families with disabled children avoid the photographer because it can be a really disheartening experience. I once had a newspaper photographer come to photograph Grace and...