Author Archives: Grace for Rett

Deck the halls with broken femurs

“I have little bones” -Dolly Parton From our family to yours, a few ideas for holiday activities: Decorate cookies Ice skating Caroling Family game nights Watch your daughter suffer the most excruciating pain possible for a week before finding out she’s broken both femurs Ya you heard that right. Grace broke both femurs during a seizure...

Does it get easier?

“Does it get easier?” “No. You just get better at it.” -The Good Wife I spoke with a new Rett mum the other day. When Grace was first diagnosed, no one told me the things I needed to know. I was instantly sucked in by the charities and was only promised a cure, hit up...

3 things I wish I knew upon Rett diagnosis

Hi all and happy awareness month (it’s starting to feel like a holiday). 7 years ago this month, my husband returned from a trip to Nigeria and as soon as we met him on the train platform, his first words were “what’s wrong with Grace?” Rett syndrome for Grace wasn’t a slow progression. It wasn’t...