Wow WOW! Thank you THANK YOU to everyone who supported Grace in helping her get her chair. It’s so beautiful to see the community come together to help our little girl. It’s truly the truth that you reap what you sow and we really welcomed the support. The chair has now been paid for! Here is a breakdown of the amazing love we received:
- Grace’s Otto Bock Kimba Spring cost £3,000 but we met a really lovely man named Garry from HMS Mobility who sold us an ex demo unit for £2,000
- I did a studio day to work for funds and made £300. Thank you to all my clients that day!
- We had some really outrageous donations from our church family and even ones from my readers over on which, coming from total strangers, is deeply touching.
- Steve Bye sold his X-box and did busking on the streets. Unfortunately, he was only paid £2 to stop singing (Love you, Haribo!)
- Lydia won a scratch card :*) LOL
- Jake still has his turn tables for sale
- The Kupersami family has been cooking meals for anyone in the church who would like to have a meal delivered to their door and their boys took donations at football practice and school (those boys know how to fund raise!)
- Sue lovingly made “Gracie’s Quit” which we are auctioning off here (click here). The auction ends in 2 weeks!
- Remmie donated a beautiful piece of African fabric which I am going to have made into a baby wearing sling to auction off soon.
- Ross et. al. have recorded a version of Amazing Grace which is now for sale on itunes!
Quite a few of the fund raising ideas which were started when Grace was first in need of the wheelchair are still in process and we are finding ourselves with extra money still coming in. We are now following Basil’s lead and lovingly referring to this as ‘The Grace Fund’. It is being kept in a separate account to help Grace with any further expenses that are not covered by the council or NHS.
So thank you to everyone who came together. It truly does ‘take a village’. Thank you!